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Lithium polymer battery, also known as polymer lithium battery, is a battery of chemical nature. Compared with previous batteries, it has the characteristics of high energy, miniaturization and light weight.

Lithium polymer battery has the characteristics of ultra-thinness, and can be made into batteries of different shapes and capacities according to the needs of some products. The theoretical minimum thickness can reach 0.5mm.

The three elements of a general battery are: positive electrode, negative electrode and electrolyte. The so-called lithium polymer battery refers to a battery system in which at least one or more of the three elements uses polymer materials. In the lithium polymer battery system, most polymer materials are used in the positive electrode and electrolyte. The positive electrode material uses a conductive polymer or an inorganic compound used in general lithium-ion batteries. The negative electrode often uses lithium metal or lithium-carbon intercalation compounds. The electrolyte uses a solid or colloidal polymer electrolyte or an organic electrolyte. Since there is no excess electrolyte in lithium polymer, it is more reliable and stable.