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USB luj tshib cable nrog 6A


USB luj tshib cable nrog 6A

1. A TO peb-hauv-ib qhov ntau qhov chaw nres nkoj ceev them, C chaw nres nkoj Txhawb kev them nyiaj ceev rau feem ntau cov qauv, 6A siab tam sim no, 480Mbps kis tau tus mob.

2. Lub luj tshib ob sab plug-in tsim, siv telescopic caij nplooj ntoos hlav hlau, txuag ntau qhov chaw rau kev siv tsheb.

  • Khoom npe Lub luj tshib tsheb peb-nyob rau hauv-ib ceev them cable
  • Khoom siv: Cov khoom siv TPU
  • Muaj nuj nqi: Lub luj tshib tsim, telescopic caij nplooj ntoos hlav, RGB ambient teeb
  • Ntev: 1.5 meters (kev txhawb nqa kev cai)

Khoom Parameter

Khoom npe Lub luj tshib tsheb peb-nyob rau hauv-ib ceev them cable
Khoom siv Cov khoom siv TPU
Muaj nuj nqi Lub luj tshib tsim, telescopic caij nplooj ntoos hlav, RGB ambient teeb
Ntev 1.5 meters (kev txhawb nqa kev cai)

Muag cov ntsiab lus

1. A TO peb-hauv-ib qhov ntau qhov chaw nres nkoj ceev ceev, C chaw nres nkoj Txhawb kev them nyiaj ceev rau feem ntau cov qauv, 6A siab tam sim no, 480Mbps kis tau tus mob..
2. Lub luj tshib ob sab plug-in tsim, siv telescopic caij nplooj ntoos hlav hlau, txuag ntau qhov chaw rau kev siv tsheb.
3. Kev them nyiaj ceev yuav tsis ua rau lub tshuab puas. Nws txawj ntse phim qhov tam sim no xav tau los ntawm lub cuab yeej kom tsim nyog tswj qhov hluav taws xob, ua rau nws muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab them sai sai yam tsis tau kub.
4. Siv cov tuab tooj liab hlau cores los txhim kho kev sib kis ruaj khov thiab txo cov hluav taws kub.
5. 480Mbps kis tau tus mob, upload cov ntaub ntawv loj tau yooj yim, them nyiaj thiab kev sib kis tsis cuam tshuam rau ib leeg, thiab ua haujlwm tau zoo.
Lub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib lub tsheb ceev them cable (1) abo
Lub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib lub zog them cable (2)vda
Lub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib ceev them cable (5)818


Q1: Koj puas tuaj yeem muab cov qauv kev pabcuam?
A: Peb tuaj yeem muab cov qauv rau koj nrog peb tus nqi thiab koj tuaj yeem xaiv cov khoom thauj los ntawm koj tus kheej (Peb tuaj yeem tham nthuav dav txog tus nqi thauj khoom).
Q2: Peb tuaj yeem ua li cas nrog kev them nyiaj?
A: Txhua txoj kev them nyiaj raws cai tuaj yeem lees txais, xws li L / C, T / T, Western Union thiab Nyiaj Gram.
Q3: Thaum twg koj yuav npaj khoom xa tuaj?
A: Peb cog lus tias tag nrho cov khoom yuav npaj xa hauv 5 hnub.
Q4: Ua li cas txog lub pob?
A: Feem ntau peb muaj lub thawv thawv, Yog tias koj muaj kev thov tshwj xeeb, peb tuaj yeem txais thiab kho rau koj.
Q5: Koj muaj kev pov hwm dab tsi txog Kev Muag Khoom Ua Ntej?
A: Peb cog lus tias yuav ua qhov kev kuaj xyuas zoo ib yam.
Q6: Ua li cas txog Logistics?
A: Peb cog lus tias yuav muab koj cov txiaj ntsig zoo tshaj plaws thiab kev lag luam kev lag luam.
Q7: Ua li cas tom qab muag?
A: Peb zoo siab tos txais koj cov lus teb txhua yam koj muaj.
Q8: Dab tsi yog qhov ntev ntawm lub cable uas tuaj nrog lub teeb cable?
A: Qhov ntev ntawm tag nrho cov cables yog 1.2m (3.9ft) raws li ib txwm thov. Koj tuaj yeem yuav cov cables ntxiv uas ntev dua 2m (6.5ft) lossis 0.4m (1.3ft).

Lub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib ceev them cable (1) 3riLub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib tus nqi them ceev ceev (2) rgwLub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib lub zog them cable (3) pwdLub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib tus nqi them ceev ceev (4)cfgLub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib tus nqi them ceev ceev (5)vgsLub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib ceev them cable (6)xa9Lub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib ceev them cable (7) exlLub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib ceev them cable (8)m20Lub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib ceev them cable (9)a40Lub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib lub xov tooj ceev ceev (10)jw3Lub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib ceev them cable (11)m9lLub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib ceev them cable (12) 29wLub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib tus nqi them ceev ceev (13)s61Lub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib ceev them cable (14)s87Lub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib ceev them cable (15)7t2Lub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib ceev them cable (16)wg5Lub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib ceev them cable (17) 4leLub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib ceev them cable (18) tnnLub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib ceev them cable (19)cxjLub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib ceev them cable (20) 1oyLub luj tshib tsheb peb-hauv-ib ceev them cable (21)er7

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