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Lub voj voog telescopic cable nrog 100W & 27W


Lub voj voog telescopic cable nrog 100W & 27W

[Dub] C TO C -100W ceev ceev,

[Dawb] C TO C -100W ceev them,

[Purple] C TO C -100W ceev them,

[Dub] C TO Teeb pom kev zoo-27W ceev ceev,

[Dawb] C TO Teeb pom kev zoo-27W ceev ceev,

[Daj] C TO Teeb pom kev zoo-27W ceev ceev

  • Interface: TYPE-C thiab teeb pom kev zoo
  • Ntev: 1 m ib
  • Number of Breakout Connectors: ib lub taub hau
  • Nta: Scalable siab tshaj plaws tso zis zog 100W

Khoom Parameter

Interface TYPE-C thiab xob laim
Ntev 1 m ib
Number ntawm breakout connectors ib lub taub hau
Qauv [Dub] C TO C -100W ceev ceev,
[Dawb] C TO C -100W ceev them,
[Purple] C TO C -100W ceev them,
[Dub] C TO L - 27W ceev them,
[Dawb] C TO L - 27W ceev ceev,
[Purple] C TO L - 27W ceev ceev
Scalable siab tshaj plaws tso zis zog 100W
Khoom siv TPE
Kev faib tawm xim  Dub / Dawb / Ntshav


Q1: Puas yuav cov hlau nplaum cuam tshuam nrog lub xov tooj ua haujlwm
A: Rau tag nrho koj cov laus uas tseem xav tias cov hlau nplaum yuav cuam tshuam rau koj lub xov tooj ua haujlwm, cov xov tooj ntawm tes siv SSD (cov khoom hauv lub xeev) uas tsis cuam tshuam los ntawm cov hlau nplaum me me li peb li. Qhov tseeb koj lub xov tooj nws tus kheej muaj ntau tshaj li ib nrab ntawm cov hlau nplaum nyob rau hauv nws kom lub zog nta xws li koj cov neeg hais lus. Cov hlau nplaum kuj tseem yuav tsis muaj kev cuam tshuam rau koj lub GPS, peb tau teev dhau 100 teev ob qho tib si tsav tsheb thiab ua si Pokemon Go (tsis yog thaum tsav tsheb ntawm chav kawm) thiab tuaj yeem txheeb xyuas qhov no nrog kev paub ntawm tus kheej.
Q2: Qhov sib nqus sib nqus muaj zog npaum li cas
A: Peb tau tsim los ua lub zog sib nqus hlau nplaum ntawm lub khw, muaj zog txaus nqa 400g thiab txawm nqa lub iPad Cua!
Q3: Nws puas yooj yim tshem tawm cov lus qhia ntawm lub xov tooj?
A: Cov lus qhia yuav nyob hauv qhov chaw los ntawm kev siv txhua hnub txawm tias lub xov tooj poob, tsis tau nws tuaj yeem tshem tau yooj yim nrog koj tus ntiv tes thaum xav tau. Peb kuj tau suav nrog cov cuab yeej tshem tawm nyiaj ntxiv nrog rau txhua lub cable teeb los pab thaum tshem cov khoom siv ntawm cov xov tooj nrog cov xwm txheej lossis cov khoom siv nrog kev nyuaj siab USB qhov xws li GoPro yog tias koj xav tau.
Q4: Dab tsi yog qhov ntev ntawm lub cable uas tuaj nrog lub teeb cable?
A: Qhov ntev ntawm tag nrho cov cables yog 1.2m (3.9ft) raws li ib txwm thov. Koj tuaj yeem yuav cov cables ntxiv uas ntev dua 2m (6.5ft) lossis 0.4m (1.3ft).
Q5: Koj puas tuaj yeem muab cov qauv kev pabcuam?
A: Peb tuaj yeem muab cov qauv rau koj nrog peb tus nqi thiab koj tuaj yeem xaiv cov khoom thauj los ntawm koj tus kheej (Peb tuaj yeem tham nthuav dav txog tus nqi thauj khoom).
Q6: Peb tuaj yeem ua li cas nrog kev them nyiaj?
A: Txhua txoj kev them nyiaj raws cai tuaj yeem lees txais, xws li L / C, T / T, Western Union thiab Nyiaj Gram.
Q7: Thaum twg koj yuav npaj khoom xa tuaj?
A: Peb cog lus tias tag nrho cov khoom yuav npaj xa hauv 5 hnub.
Q8: Ua li cas txog lub pob?
A: Feem ntau peb muaj lub thawv thawv, Yog tias koj muaj kev thov tshwj xeeb, peb tuaj yeem txais thiab kho rau koj.
q9 ua. Koj muaj ntawv pov hwm dab tsi txog Pre-Sale?
A: Peb cog lus tias yuav ua qhov kev kuaj xyuas zoo ib yam.

Q10. Yuav ua li cas yog Logistics?
A: Peb cog lus tias yuav muab koj cov txiaj ntsig zoo tshaj plaws thiab kev lag luam kev lag luam.

Q11. Yuav ua li cas txog Kev Muag Khoom Tom Qab?
A: Peb zoo siab tos txais koj cov lus teb txhua yam koj muaj.

100w&27W (1)(1)bwg100w&27W (1) pjs100w & 27W (2)(1)2od100w & 27W (2)hfp100w&27W (3)(1)3bk100w & 27W (3) cvg100w&27W (4)mp9100w&27W (5)eh9100w & 27W (6) 84s100w&27W (7)gzf100w&27W (8)n4b100w&27W (9)wzu100w & 27W (10)d15100w&27W (11)xqy100w & 27W (12) ua100w & 27W (13) ksy100w&27W (14)r4b100w & 27W (15) yle

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